Charlotte Bird
Title: 2020 Hindsight
30"h x 10.5w x 20"d
Materials: hand dyed and commercial cotton, polyester thread, non-woven interfacing, Gatorboard, upholstery pins, metal hanger, monofilament
Techniques: cut and constructed 7" Gatorboard cube, hand cut and fused applique, machine stitched, machine quilted, hand stitched
Description/Artist Statement:
2020 has been a cataclysmic year, and it's not over: worldwide pandemic, American election year, social upheaval because of police homicides and brutality toward people of color, school instability and economic meltdown due to the pandemic and bad leadership. I decided to reflect on all these issues in the roll of one die. There is no face of peace or comfort. Every roll is craps. We must learn to play a different game.
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