Claremont Manor
We have many talented, artistic residents in Claremont Manor, and our quilt displays but a few of our endeavors. We used a popular layout design in our quilt, incorporating four cornerstones for unity. Due to the many changes to our individual and collective lives because of the virus, the colorful squares can represent hope and faith in the future— hang in there!
This was a group effort depicting how we are using our time artistically during the confinement of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Ten residents displayed their talents: they are as follows:
Many sewed masks,
Charlotte Decker painted dolls and scenery.
Alicia Sheridan painted scenery with a flower.
Eleanor Foerster displayed her photographic and iris gardening skills,
Elaine Ward displayed jewelry making on print,
Mary Mitchell knitted caps for babies.
Madeline Ross knitted sweaters for children
Barbara Royalty painted red roses on fabric,
Sherrill Walker sewed the log cabin square.
Thora Harris used an inspiring message of hope on her quilt square.
Pat McNemar showed an example of sewn stained glass art.
We have many talented, artistic residents in Claremont Manor, and our quilt displays but a few of our endeavors. We used a popular layout design in our quilt, incorporating four cornerstones for unity. Due to the many changes to our individual and collective lives because of the virus, the colorful squares can represent hope and faith in the future—
hang in there!
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